In May 2019, the research group MITE2 coordinated by Prof. Sara Magalhães, started the participatory project Caravana Agroecologica, that aims at bringing together producers, consumers and researchers through agroecology. In this co-construction a set of multidisciplinary teams, whose knowledge complements each other, participate through a bottom-up approach. Currently it is developing five initiatives: Farmers Open Days, promote proximity consumption from sustainable agricultural practices; Agroecological Vegetable Gardens, create a community among people involved in urban gardens, from school vegetable gardens to community gardens; Caravan Routes, strengthen agroecology networks and communities in Portugal, taking representatives from various areas of society to visit agroecological experiences nationally; Caravana na Rádio, consists on the production of sections and shows in local radio stations that address agroecology-related issues; Public Policies, consists on facilitatig focus groups that comment on and discuss agroecology-related issues during public consultation.